Thursday, June 7, 2012

Personal: My Phone, Some Keys, and a Lake.

Some of you on Facebook today saw that my phone went for a swim today and is currently recovering in a rice bag. There is soooooooooo much more to this story. I thought I would share it with you.

We were at the lake waiting for the kids to come to do the paddle boats. We have 15 minutes so a few of us race around in the boats. When we finish, we dock them back, and as I am climbing out I slip and fall in. When I surface I immediately unclip my phone and set it on the dock. We then go put it in rice.
That's really the end of the phone story. Here's the better story.

So I set my phone on the dock and then I immediately unchain my keys (with my $50 earbuds and remote car lock, in addition to my car keys) and gently toss it over my shoulder.....over the other side of the dock and into the water...where it is about 9-10 feet deep.

The best part is, I had another set of keys on that clip. I had the camp director's office and house keys on my clip as well. So in addition to my own car keys, I had two of my bosses' most important keys on that chain, now sitting in the bottom of the lake.

Thus begins our search. We start swimming down below looking for on any sign of the keys. All we see are tall, thick reeds. We get a rake to sift through the reeds, but that fails. We get a giant magnet, but it fails. Soon we have kicked up so much dirt that we can't see a thing.

Then Andrew (the director) decides to jump in. He goes down three times. On the third time, he finds them and brings them to the surface.

There really isn't any moral to this story, but I hope that the next time you are accidentally in a lake, don't unchain your keys and throw them over.set them down, don't toss them.

As for the is sitting in a bag of rice, and I sit and wait to see if it lives or not.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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