Unless you live out in a place where there is no human contact or any kind of data service, you all know that last night President Obama won his second term. While I admit I was surprised at this, and I also freely admit that I was greatly disappointed, I also must admit I did not like Romney at all. For the record, had I gotten my voter's registration in before the deadline, I would have voted for him, but solely on the basis for the unborn having slightly more favorable conditions in the infant genocide of 21st century. On every other issue, I did not think Romney was any better than Obama.
It was disheartening to see some of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ express blatant idolatry last night as news broke that Obama won Ohio (and, subsequently, the election). It's perfectly okay to be upset and disappointed that your candidate didn't win, and I grieved last night that an evil man has once again resumed control of a nation. Some of the responses of my fellow Christians, however, led me to believe that the Messiah failed to show up last night. Not every Christian I know was like this; indeed, there were some Christians who said things that I have no doubt brought a smile to the Father's face. However, I believe that last night showed a great stain on the American Church; we are more willing to mourn and lament the fact that a Mormon did not take control of a nation than we are more willing to mourn and lament that our nation does not acknowledge Christ as it's true King. We Christians give lip service to the claim that Jesus is our true King, but our actions grossly betray it, and last night is a shining and prime example.
I believe that God in His sovereignty has appointed America to suffer another four years under this president for the sake of waking up the Church and purifying her. My prayer is that this will finally wake Christians up by putting them in a situation where their comfort is threatened. The Church has always been the strongest when it is most threatened, and while I am certainly not suggesting that American Church is the new pinnacle of persecution in the world, a small dose of unfavorable conditions for the Church is better than no taste of persecution whatsoever. My biggest hope and prayer is that Christians will begin to take up the call to defend the faith, and that the apologetics resurgence would grow in influence and power. I pray Christians discover that they have been given an intellect and that they would begin to use it in their schools, places of employment, and the public square. Regardless, we can praise God that He has not abandoned His bride (which is not America), and that is true even when Obama is inaugurated in January. We can rest in the great power of God and know that whatever happens to us in the next four years and the next 20 years is not a threat to God's saving work in Christ Jesus, which no king or ruler can undo.
This morning I had a deep time of confession and prayer for this nation, out of brokenness and love for my fellow Americans and our President (yes, I love President Obama). If the re-election of Obama brings the Church to her knees before her Savior in a broken and contrite spirit, then glory to God.
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